Lets Join!
VSAHA is the membership you want to have! It is the way for
you to become an active participant in your local equine community. You don’t have to own a horse to join!
Get to know your neighbors and friends who are as passionate about horses as you are. If you no longer ride, you can still enjoy being an active member by volunteering at the Desert Classic All Arabian Horse Show, by becoming a Board Member, or by helping run some of the events at the show.
If you are in business or an artisan you are welcome to take part in our show as a Commercial Vendor and retail your items to exhibitors and visitors. If you do own a horse it is a great opportunity to meet trainers, take part in a lesson program, get information about local farriers, feed suppliers, etc.
This show, held every December at Westworld is AHA, USEF, USDF and WDAA recognized. It is a four day show offering classes in English Pleasure, Hunter Pleasure, Western Pleasure, Working Western including reining and trail, English and Western Dressage, and Sport Horse Under Saddle and In-Hand. As a VSAHA member you are entitled to a $25.00 discount on your entry fees.
We invite all who want to be a part of an equine community, just be close to horses and have some fun. Come and help out at the Desert Classic, watch the events, become a board member and make new friends. However you look at it, it’s a win-win situation.
So join now!
VSAHA is a linked club with AHA (Arabian Horse Association).
New or existing members can join or renew their memberships with AHA and Valley of the Sun Arabian Horse Association by paying
The membership fees on the AHA website.
Using the AHA website (www.arabianhorses.org) offers 24 hour access to pay online with a credit card. Be sure to indicate the Valley of the Sun AHA Club #7004. Online memberships are automatically processed and the AHA membership card prints the next day and is mailed directly to the member. Additionally, a proof of membership is emailed to the member immediately.
You may also join or renew by calling AHA directly at 303-696-4500 or by downloading, printing and mailing the membership form from this website.